Stand-alone Power Supply for Remote Homesteads

ActewAGL commissioned ITP Renewables to investigate the feasibility of using remote area power supply systems (RAPS) with various renewable energy technologies powering two separate remote sites.


We conducted site visits and met all relevant stakeholders to assess the sites’ potential for renewable energy, and to assess the technical and non-technical challenges of the proposed project. Our concept recommendations for the RAPS systems included solar PV, battery storage, diesel generation, solar hot water and energy efficiency measures. We then performed a first-stage financial analysis of the optimal ownership and business models that could be used to support the systems. The works included:

  • assessing the suitability of the site for the potential for various stand-alone renewable energy technologies
  • providing options for stand-alone power systems powered by renewable energy technologies
  • guidance on the implications, including technical, regulatory and financial, of the proposed options, to support ActewAGL’s decision
  • first-stage financial analysis of potential ownership models for the systems.
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